

how to clean and maintain furniture caster

When clean the furniture Many people may only remember to clean the furniture surface.But it will easy forget to clean caster wheels,how to clean the furniture caster wheels?

Although when produce the casters general manufacturers will use anti corrosion material,but for the furniture casters,the general corrosion resistance ability are weaker than other industries casters.So when we wash the caster can not use strong acid or strong alkaline detergent to clean them.

Also when clean the caster,we can not just wipe the outside,but also keep attention of wheels inside components,Like bearing,axle,and mounting top connection.As well as if the caster wheels are made of rubber and another soft materials,there will have some glass stuck in the surface,All of them need to be take care. Otherwise it will affect useful time.

we need also add some lubricant on the metal portion of casters