

Why does AGV casters need shock absorbing

As an automatic handling tool, AGV caster wheels are mostly used indoors. However, even if the ground is smooth, there may be have some potholes. Once encountering these small potholes, If AGV casters without shock absorption function is easy to slip, leading to car stall, and even affecting the service life of driving wheel and motor.

Not only that, some objects carried by AGV are fragile, and sometimes AGV car will pile up a lot of goods. Under the violent shaking, the goods on the car are easy to break and even cause the goods to fall.

Therefore, it is necessary to install damping module on AGV casters. However, because AGV is an emerging industry, there are few enterprises focusing on AGV casters, and few can provide damping module function.

Derived from the principle of automobile damping system, serving AGV casters

After understanding the needs of a large number of customers in these aspects, xinchen company is led by the company's technical team to tackle this technical difficulty.

In the absence of precedent and reference in the industry, it is very difficult to start from 0. After several concepts and experiments, we find that the conventional method is difficult to meet the shock absorption requirements of AGV casters.

In the case of a large number of reference to the practice of international famous cars, Our team learned from the damping principle of BMW, adding damping module and damping spring between the wheel and bracket to minimize vibration. 

1- Primary damping system, spring damping

Some AGV have high requirements for shock absorption. We usually assemble special shock absorption springs to shock absorption, so that the wheels of AGV car can be kept on the same plane anytime and anywhere.

Two stage damping system, rubber block damping

2-3cm high elastic damping material is used as damping pad for hard damping.

If have any more question on Shock absorber AGV caster wheels please contact us freely.