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Why Should You Choose Twin Medical Casters

Twin casters are a great innovation in caster design in general and are widely used in different industries and for a variety of different purposes. Twin casters feature two caster wheels mounted to a single stem, and these wheels are highly useful together.

The main reason people use twin casters is when they want to carry heavy loads on a cart or a trolley, and they want the wheels to easily swivel and change direction. Yes, many other types of caster wheels are also used for the same purpose, for changing directions and for carrying heavy loads. Common examples of these other types of casters include shock-absorbing casters, swiveling casters, and heavy-duty casters.

However, none of these casters is able to replace the main function of what a twin caster allows you to do and that is moving your equipment smoothly. Smoothness is key when using twin casters since they are mainly used in industries where you need your equipment to not snag and get damaged on the floor.

The other thing that twin casters offer you is stability. It is basic physics; with the use of two caster wheels, your cart is covering more ground than it would with a single wheel. When the contact is of the wheels and the ground increases, the cart and equipment become much more stable. This prevents the cart or the equipment from toppling over and getting damaged, which is one of the major concerns,, especially when carrying sensitive equipment or when your cart is fully loaded.

So, where are these twin casters most deployable?

The answer is not simple since twin casters can easily be deployed in any facility for a number of reasons. But we are here to focus mainly on the functions of twin medical casters.

Twin Casters In The Medical Industry

Twin medical casters or double medical casters are used in hospital and clinical settings for a variety of purposes. A simple example we can consider is the carts carrying meals for all the patients in the facility. These carts are carrying very heavy loads and have to travel through elevators, move over all types of floorings, and even go over some damaged areas to deliver meals to all the patients. This is where double medical casters can help you immensely.

Twin medical casters will increase the contact area between the wheels of the cart and the ground, so the cart will not be in any danger of toppling over, which means they will provide stability. Other than that, since the cart will be loaded very heavily, these twin casters will also be able to carry the heavy load effectively without affecting the smooth movement of the cart.

Of course, there is much more sensitive equipment that is constantly on the move in a hospital or clinical setting. This includes machines like the ECG and EKG machines, X-Ray machines for when the patient is unable to move to the X-Ray room, or even the patient’s beds. The beds can easily get damaged or even hurt the patient when the movement is not smooth or stable, so twin medical casters are one of the best choices you can make.

You will even find twin casters made with high-quality materials in the offices you find in hospitals, where movement is required for the chairs and such. One example is that of the dental chair. The dentist needs to move around very frequently while being seated on their chair to gain perfect access to the patient’s oral cavity, especially when they are working on more than one tooth. In this case, most other types of casters might get caught between the tile spaces or snag on any damaged parts of the floor. If the doctor is unable to gauge the pressure well, the chair might even topple over, hurting the dentist in the process.

Twin medical casters will provide the exact level of swivel on the chair which will allow the dentist to change direction as they please and roll around in their office for good access to the patient’s mouth as well.

Another great thing about twin medical casters is that they are highly adaptable. You can adjust them to any medical environment by adding different features. For example, you can use a bactericidal coating on the wheels, which will keep them sterilized and prevent chances of cross infection.

Other than that, twin medical casters can also have a noise-proof coating which will prevent them from sounding out too much in sensitive environments.

Will Other Casters Not Work?

The most obvious question that arises now is whether twin casters are the only useful casters in the medical industry. That is not the case since you will see a variety of different casters all over the hospital, and they will all be used for similar purposes.

However, if you try to get the same function as the double medical caster from other casters, you might face some issues. For example, if you use heavy-duty casters instead of double medical casters on carts carrying big loads, you will notice that the heavy-duty casters slow down the cart and do not get the job done as smoothly. The same goes for shock-absorbing casters since they are known for slowing down carts and will not be able to keep up with a fast-paced medical environment.,

Of course, with single casters that can swivel, the main issue is the instability since the cart or equipment can topple over and get damaged if moved with uncertainty.


Twin medical casters are some of the best investments that can be made in any clinical environment due to their smoothness and stability. Make sure you pick the right manufacturer who will give you exactly what you want so that you can run your practice with ease and efficiency. Do your own research about customizable twin medical casters and learn about their maintenance to make them last longer as well.