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The Best AGV Caster Wheels And How To Maintain Them

Automated Guided Vehicles or AGV carry heavy loads across facilities without an operator on board with the help of lasers or markers. AGV usually need to carry extremely heavy loads across long routes and need superior control and maneuverability because they do not have an operator on board.AGV Caster wheels may seem like one of the lesser components of an AGV, but they are one of the most integral parts of an AGV. 

Selecting the correct AGV caster wheels and maintaining it through its life is, therefore, crucial to the smooth functioning of an AGV. So be very vigilant about what you pick!

Types Of AGV Caster Wheels

Here are some of the best AGV casters you can choose from: 

Standard Wheels

Standard AGV casters are smooth and glide easily on the hard facility flooring. They are ergonomic as well and do not require constant maintenance. Usually, standard caster configurations can carry loads up to 20,000 pounds.

Ergonomic Wheels

Ergonomic AGV caster wheels ensure that you can easily maneuver the vehicle with the least push force required. Not only does the easy vehicle movement prevent workers from getting repetitive strain injuries, but these wheels also minimize the power required to push the vehicle around. 

Kingpinless Wheels

Many AGVs also use Kingpinless casters because they can carry very high loads without buckling under pressure. Kingpinless casters are smooth and durable and glide easily on flooring without causing any damage. For loads that are 200,000 pounds and higher, most manufacturers use Kingpinless casters. 

Twin Wheels

Manufacturers use twin wheels for AGVs that need to function with minimum friction on the floor. Each wheel spins independently from the other and can swivel in any direction. These wheels are excellent for AGV s that require high maneuverability. 

Customized AGV Wheels 

Customized AGV wheels are designed for particular cases. Most manufacturers cater to requests for customized caster wheels for maximum benefit for their AGVs.

How To Select The Best Caster Wheels For An AGV

Selecting the best caster wheel for your AGV is ideal for smooth functioning. Here are some of the criteria you must consider before selecting a caster wheel for your AGV:


The kind of wheels you use depends on the kind of load your AGV will be carrying. Wheels designed for very high weights usually compromise speed, so using those for lighter loads will be inefficient. Similarly, if you put very high loads on casters that cannot carry that much weight, the casters can buckle under pressure. 

Shock Absorption

Shock absorption is imperative to note in any AGV caster you are considering. If the AGV has to function on rough surfaces or flooring that is prone to damage, the shock absorption capacity will help prevent further damage and make for a smooth transit. 


AGVs must be easy to maneuver as well, and the casters help in deciding the maneuverability of an AGV. Bigger wheels are easy to maneuver And they can carry extremely heavy loads. Similarly, twin wheels provide high maneuverability.


The width of the caster determines its stability. A wide wheel will enable the AGV to transport heavy loads without losing balance or buckling under pressure. 


A large diameter of the caster wheel will ensure that the AGV can carry large weights without compromising maneuverability. 


AGV Casters are made of various materials, from rubbers to polyurethane to stainless steel and aluminum alloys. Soft wheels such as rubber wheels are gentler on the floor of your facility. On the other hand, Polyurethane wheels are better for rough surfaces and are more durable. 

How Can We Maintain AGV Casters?

Selecting the correct AGV caster is important but maintaining the caster you have chosen for your vehicle is even more crucial. Proper maintenance of the caster wheel will extend its lifespan and ensure smooth working for a long time. Here are some of the ways you can maintain your AGV caster wheels: 

Surface Maintenance

To extend the lifespan of your caster wheels, you must ensure that the surface they roll on is smooth and undamaged. Any cracks and obstructions that the wheel can get caught into will damage it, and repeated exposure to the damaged bits will quickly wear it off. 


With the routine cleaning and maintenance of your AGV, you should also have the caster wheels cleaned. Dirt and grime that accumulate on the wheels slows them down and makes the movement less smooth for the AGV which requires regular cleaning. 


If you notice that the wheels are not as smooth as they used to be, you should lubricate them with a lubricant. It will restore the smoothness of the wheel and make for a smoother transit. A caster wheel that is not smooth will tug a lot more and can cause delays in the transit process. 


If you notice any damaged bits on the caster, it would be ideal to have them repaired immediately. Letting cracks and broken pieces accumulate on a wheel will eventually make for bigger failures in the wheel and will quickly need replacing. 

Plan For Wheel Failure

If your caster wheel gives up on you, always have a backup in mind. Talk to the manufacturer and have the wheel replaced immediately so that the work does not stop. In fact, every caster wheel has a lifespan, so if you have performed proper maintenance, you should be able to predict the time when it could give in. Have a replacement in store as soon as you see this time approaching so that you do not have to suffer from delays.


AGV Caster wheels are a crucial part of every AGV since they efficiently help the vehicle move around. Picking the best caster wheel for your AGV is the best way to ensure it functions smoothly. Still, you must also perform regular maintenance and plan for any unprecedented events or wheel failures beforehand.