

Outdoor caster wheels

  Which kind of caster wheel can be used as outdoor caster wheels?Which factor we need consider when purchase outdoor casters? Now xinchen caster wheels analyze outdoor environment.
   At Outdoor caster need running on even and uneven ground.So the wheel need at least above 5inch,bigger size like 6inch,8inch,10inch,and 12 inch caster wheels will be better.So it can pass obstacle easily.
   Beside of need big size wheel,the total loading capacity of caster wheel need also exceed about 50% of original designed loading weight.Because once the caster hit obstacle,the caster wheel will face many times impact force than regular.

  Of course the outdoor caster need select wear resistance wheels,so can suit Diverse outdoor environment.Many wheel can be used as outdoor casters,such as polyurethane caster wheels,solid pu formed wheels,elastic rubber casters,and heavy duty pu wheels