

How to prolong the service life of caster wheels

1、 Avoid Overload

When using the casters, the user shall recognize the bearing weight of the caster and the supporting products, and select the proper loaded caster for use.Likely heavy duty casters,medium casters or light duty casters
Estimate the weight of the load in advance before use, and select casters and the supporting products of casters to bear more than 1.5 times of the load.
2、 Choose different materials castors for different work condition
Different materials have different physical and chemical properties. Different materials of casters require different environments, of course, the service life of casters will be different.
When using casters, users should know the proper place to use them to avoid unnecessary losses caused by misuse.
3、 Maintenance casters timely
Users should regularly maintain the running parts of casters. The maintenance is divided into three aspects: adding lubricating oil, removing the twines at the running parts and anti-corrosion
1. Regularly add lubricating oil to the running parts of the turning ball house cup of the caster and the bearing of the wheel.
2. Regularly clean the winding wire or thread head around the running part of the support steel ball of the caster and the mounting part of the wheel bearing
3. Most caster brackets are made of steel, so anti rust is very important for the service life of caster. To prevent caster brackets from rusting, anti rust paint and oil can be applied regularly.