

How to find good quality caster wheel in best cost

  Many purchaser may confuse why the caster price are so difference for same type & size caster wheels.They are all looks same. Where you additional money pay for?
Here XinChen Caster give you some suggestions,which can help you judge caster wheels quality initially.

  1.Ask caster metal bracket material thickness.
2.Compare with the wheel dimension and weight.
3.Make sure the kind of bearing they used,Double Bearing,Single ball bearing,or roller bearing or Plant bearing,
4.If they are PU or Rubber Tyre wheels the ask them for tread thickness.Thick tread can improve caster wheels wear resistance,And Pu Or rubber material are most expensive material,So ask tread thickness is very important.
5.For some mini duty caster and light duty caster,Some company choose single layer ball house,and better twin ball house. The caster which have twin layer ball house are better and have high price.

   Remember above suggestion can help you find best quality caster in best price.