

Caster wheel rust remove

General casters products have metal parts, these parts rusty how to deal with it ? XinChen casters according to users' questions and our own production experience for everyone summarizes the five rust treatment , we can refer to choose their own method of operation.
( 1 ) hand casters rust remove . Mainly use hand hammer, shovel , knife , wire brush , sand cloth ( paper ) , with rust on the metal surface treatment , to achieve the requirements of rust removing .

( 2 ) power tools rust remove . Also known as semi- mechanical descaling , mainly by wind ( electric) brush wheel drive or all kinds of rust on the surface treated with corrosion and rust casters a way to achieve the requirements .

( 3 ) spraying or blasting ( also known as sand-blasting ) . With oil-free compressed air is mainly ( or high-pressure water ) .

( 4 ) chemical rust remove ( also called pickling rust ) . The main brush inorganic acid solution (spray ) , soaked with the corrosion of metal surfaces , and a method to achieve the object of rust .

( 5 ) Rust Remover Rust . Mainly with brush or immersion in a metal surface with a rust weakly acidic chemical liquid ( i.e., rust agent ) , a method to remove rust on the metal surface by chemical reaction .

The above methods can help you clean casters metal parts rust , in general, we should do the maintenance work before the caster to produce corrosion , avoid using in harsh environments.